Wednesday, 29 February 2012


One of the actresses screamed in delight, and I thought the fire alarm was going off...

In other news

Crewe - Have inherited my head torch

Huddersfield – Due to the upcoming visit to Cyprus it was necessary to pack up all the props and costume we were taking, and then un-pack them instantly.  A trial run to see if the bags we bought were big enough .  It’s a soul destroying sort of a task.  Especially when your boyfriend has taken the time to come and visit.

Buxton - Not a blue cat in sight

Hertford - Tiny stage + huge piano = hilariously compact dance moves

Nicosia - We locate a whiskey decanter at the last minute, from an ex AA member, through an oboe player

Limasol - The focus tower is a few bits of scaff and a plank of wood on wheels. it'd give the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland a hernia.

Yeovil & Bishop Stortford - We seem to be in hot pursuit of a tour of 'Lord of the flies'.  There is a lot of sand in their show it seems. Out dance floor tape won't stick to it.

Crawely - The tumble drier set fire last week... It makes wardrobe maintenance an exciting new challenge

Winchester - Apparently stand up  go there to try out their material before big tours because the audience are notoriously heckler free...

Saturday, 11 February 2012


The Bass thinks it will be hilarious to talk to me in the style of the old spice man while wearing nought but pants when I go to the dressing rooms to check the personal props.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Day off...

Sitting in a Premier Inn watching Sherlock, failing to fix a life size can can dancer puppet, at midnight.

Newark - Nearly stand on the bass's face as I don't realise he is sleeping under a counter in dressing room 4 as I set out costumes.

Wellingborough - Discuss the finer points of war, religion, politics, the economy and Oscar Wilde with a cobbler as he fixes a zip on the tenors boot.

Tweeksbury [sic] - The techies are called Smiffy, Cookie... and Mark

Sunday, 5 February 2012


The Baritone reveals that he sang at Nora Batty's funeral.

Friday, 3 February 2012


Opening Night - Leading lady's net shawl gets attached to leading man's brass button. Thus incredibly romantic waltz ends with him being dragged upstage by her, chest first.