Wednesday, 29 February 2012


One of the actresses screamed in delight, and I thought the fire alarm was going off...

In other news

Crewe - Have inherited my head torch

Huddersfield – Due to the upcoming visit to Cyprus it was necessary to pack up all the props and costume we were taking, and then un-pack them instantly.  A trial run to see if the bags we bought were big enough .  It’s a soul destroying sort of a task.  Especially when your boyfriend has taken the time to come and visit.

Buxton - Not a blue cat in sight

Hertford - Tiny stage + huge piano = hilariously compact dance moves

Nicosia - We locate a whiskey decanter at the last minute, from an ex AA member, through an oboe player

Limasol - The focus tower is a few bits of scaff and a plank of wood on wheels. it'd give the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland a hernia.

Yeovil & Bishop Stortford - We seem to be in hot pursuit of a tour of 'Lord of the flies'.  There is a lot of sand in their show it seems. Out dance floor tape won't stick to it.

Crawely - The tumble drier set fire last week... It makes wardrobe maintenance an exciting new challenge

Winchester - Apparently stand up  go there to try out their material before big tours because the audience are notoriously heckler free...

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could 'like' these posts of yours. Excellent insight into the touring world...
